Sunday, September 23, 2007

The aftermath of MasterMundo

Mastermundo was quite a show.

Everything arranged on the very last minute, Mastermundo was a great ad hoc achievement. Many of the guest speakers diverted off their original plans which undoubtedly consisted of doing something less awesome to be part of this rapid-fire presentation afternoon, during which the speakers could share their thoughts among equal-minded peers (but interestingly enough, also from completely different fields).

Interactive Media Design years 1 & 2 teamed up to deliver the project as professional as time, skill, gear and motivation allowed it. Professional portrait shoots, interviews, beamer and sound control, along with triple-documented methods (video, audio and photography), there were very few arguments that might have suggested amateurism. All in all I feel positive about the outcome and that as far as I can tell, the audience did so too.

Of course, for next year's MasterMundo there are still many things that yield to improvement, but at the same time, considering the short time span, it couldn't have been much better.

Image is a still from the MasterMundo trailer by Menno Steenvoorden.

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